cultivation is environmentally friendly
The environmental damage caused by rubber cultivation in those areas by exposing a large area of rainforests is not insignificant.
However, it should be noted that the environmental damage
caused by rubber cultivation is very small compared to other large scale
plantations. In addition , rubber cultivation has led to some form of
environmental protection.
Rubber tree is a large tree. Its leaflets are well spread. So
it gives shade to the earth. Therefore , rubber cultivation protects the soil
moisture and the catchment areas of rivers and streams to some extent.
The leaves of tress slow down the speed of the raindrops.
Soil erosion does not occur due to low-speed raindrops. The water is slowly
absorbed into the ground and springs are formed.
Natural undergrowth is also found in rubber plantations,
including grass ferns or artificially propagated legumes such as udu.
Meanwhile, small rubber plantations have been left scattered in large rubber
estates. This cover also prevents soil erosion. The plant is home to a variety
of insects, including frogs and snakes, as well as mammals such as foxes,
rabbits, moose and frogs.
Many bird species also live in rubber plantations due to the
ease of nesting and protection of the leaves of the rubber tree. It is also
believed that the hives of the hives are filled with nectar during the
flowering period of the rubber flowers.
Most rubber plantations are hilly and sloping. These areas
also catchment areas of many streams and rivers and often have streams flowing
through these estates.