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Introduction for floriculture


Introduction for floriculture

    Ornamental plants and flowers are associated with our civilisation since time immemorial. The first evidence of pipal as an ornamental plant comes from the seal of Mohen- jo-daro. Another example during the same period, depicting the use of an ornamental plant resembling weeping willow, comes from the seals of Harappa. There has been a mention of flowers and gardens in our ancient classic literature too.

    Floriculture is a branch of horticulture that deals with the cultivation, processing and marketing of ornamental plants vis-à-vis landscaping of small or large areas, and maintenance of gardens so that the surroundings may appear aesthetically pleasant.

Importance and uses of floriculture

    Floriculture is one of the most potential components of the Horticulture Industry, being important from aesthetic, social and economic points of view. It has the potential for generating employment opportunities round-the-year and earning foreign exchange. In many countries, different floricultural value-added products are the main export items from the agriculture sector. Let us now look at the importance and uses of commercial floriculture.

            Cut flowers

These flowers are harvested with stalk, especially for arrangement in vases, and are lasting. These constitute a major share of the total world trade in floricultural products. Important cut flower crops are rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, orchid, gerbera, lilium, anthurium, gladiolus, narcissus, bird of paradise, heliconia, anemone, ranunculus, tulip, calla lily, etc. Cut flowers are used in the preparation of bouquets and notes floral baskets as corsages, flower arrangements and for decoration purposes.

            Loose flowers

Loose flowers are plucked from plants without stalk just below the calyx. These are in great demand, especially in Asian countries, and used for making veni, rangoli, bracelets, hair adornments for women and garlands, for garden displays, religious offerings and decorative purposes. Loose flowers comprise rose, chrysanthemum, marigold, jasmine, tuberose, gaillardia, crossandra, barleria, chandni, kaner, hibiscus, spider lily and eranthemum.

Cut greens

Cut greens or cut foliages (leaves and stems), which are attractive in form, colour and freshness, are lasting and in great demand. These are used as fillers along with cut flowers in flower arrangements and elsewhere for increasing aesthetic value. These floral produce have various other uses in making attractive fresh floral designs and floral arrangements, such as bouquets, wreaths, decoration of house interiors, etc. Some of the cut foliages in demand are asparagus, ferns, thuja, cupressus, eucalyptus, etc.

            Potted plants

Potted plants are of considerable commercial importance for instant gardening and for indoor, as well as, outdoor decoration. These can be easily carried to places, which need to be landscaped immediately. The potted plant industry is growing enormously. Potted plants may be either ornamental foliage or flowering. They are used for indoor decoration at homes, offices, commercial complexes, corporate offices, hotels, malls and other sites for various functions and events.

Flower seed and planting material

There is a high demand for quality flower seeds, especially annual ornamentals and ornamental planting material. Different types of soil and climatic conditions in India enable seed production of practically all type of flowers. Flower seeds of annuals are produced in huge quantities for sale. A large number of bulbous plants, such as gladiolus, tuberose, amaryllis, dahlia, lilies, freesia, tulip, calla lily, etc., are multiplied and marketed.


Nurseries are meant for multiplying and supplying plants and planting material, and by and large, providing guidance in the growing of ornamentals and maintenance of gardens. An ornamental plant nursery is a lucrative retail or wholesale business for the supply of various type of plants and planting material, such as nursery seedlings or prepared plants of trees, shrubs, climbers, seedlings of annuals and perennials, foliage plants, bulbous plants, cacti and succulents, palms, indoor plants, grasses, seeds, bulbs, etc.


It is a green carpet for landscape. Lawn is a well-mown turf made in the field in front of a house or in garden. It is an integral part of the garden, providing a beautiful environment to onlookers and emitting oxygen to the environment as lungs do for the body. Lawn has aesthetic and recreational value too. It also provides a suitable background for flower beds, shrubbery border and specimen tree. It improves the monetary value of a property. In landscape designing and in the establishment of lawns or in sports like cricket, golf, hockey, tennis, etc., different type of grasses are used. The Turf Industry has recently got a boost due to government policies for encouraging various kind of sports.


The demand for natural floral extracts like perfumes from flowers is increasing by the day. Some flowers, such as rose, jasmine, screwpine (kewra) and tuberose are used for the extraction of essential oils for the preparation of perfumes or attar.

Colour pigments

Flowers are used to extract natural pigments. Carotenoids extracted from flowers are used commercially in the pharmaceutical industry, and as food supplements, animal feed additives and food colourants. Marigold petals are used as an important feed additive for poultry birds to add to the yellow colour of egg yolk as the petals are rich in carotenoid pigment.

Dried flowers

Plants of many species have flowers and foliages for a short period, and their availability is restricted to a particular time span. In the dry flower technique, flowers can be easily dried, preserved and processed to retain their beauty and everlasting character. Some flowers that are air dried and used as dry flowers include dahlia, larkspur, paper flower, annual chrysanthemum, marigold, straw flower, lotus pods, etc.

Combat pollution

Open spaces like parks and plants help check air pollution. Parks are considered as the lungs of cities. The greater use of plants improves our health and also beautifies the environment. Planting different type of plants helps in checking air, water and noise pollution, and prevents soil erosion. Trees provide shade and organic matter, which help improve the microclimate of an area.

Aesthetic value

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, ‘aesthetic’ is the perception of beauty and the study of its appreciation. ‘Aesthetic value’ may be described as the theory of the level of beauty of certain natural resources. It is the value or pleasure that anything of beauty gives to humans. Flowers have aesthetic importance in human life and are a symbol of purity, love and peace. Some common aesthetic values of flowers are as follows.



Indoor gardening

Flower arrangement


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